Friday, November 30, 2018

PTE (Write essay)

Some companies focus their efforts on product development, some others focus more on promotions (discounts, special offer, etc) which approach do you agree to? Explain your reasoning.

Production of large amounts of goods is the target of each company whereas others believe in promotional campaigns to receive commercial boost, which I will explain in detail.

When we see the global business ethics, we can come across many strategies that the company owners have developed to trigger their business potentials. They are successful because of promotional campaigns such as giving away discounts and pledging special offers to the consumers. Since the world is witnessing technological marvels many company promoters are accustomed to attracting their consumers using media which incorporate social sites, promotional videos, newspapers and even graffiti. If we take an instance of receiving commercial boost through media, it is relevant to bring the reference of I-phone that has made great impacts on its users. They use a variety of ways to reach the audience and sometimes they pledge some sort of discount to the users on some occasions. Moreover, this commercial campaign prevails more effectively in the strategies of start-ups that target the users through digitized media.

There are many companies that believe in production development in large amounts rather than being in connection with outer world. Unfortunately, they produce a large mass of products but hesitate to promote them, which eventually results in business fiasco. Their supply ratio will be higher than the demand in the market; as a result, they should witness a massive cut in product prices. In addition, although their products have a greater impact on users they cannot successfully supply them because of a low demand from the users. Since the world has become globalized it should be understood that any business can sustain if it is accessible by a number of people across the globe.

To sum up, in order to receive boost in any business, each company has to adopt the policy of reaching the consumers through promotional campaigns rather than confining itself within a boundary since the world has become so global that no one has time to do research on the products they use.

PTE (Write Essay)

Nowadays many people go abroad either for higher education or work.’ Do you think this has more advantages or disadvantages for young people?

Support your point of view with reasons and examples from your own experience.

Human life is full of struggles, which does not allow everyone to live in their native country till their old age. Nowadays, many young people want to leave their native country in search of higher education or job in a foreign land. This essay will portray a picture on what advantages and disadvantages will be there in the lives of young generation when they immigrate to another country.

Some people believe that travel broadens the mind so they want to travel to a country for various purposes, which incorporates a pursuit of higher education or employment. This essay will analyze the advantages and disadvantages that young people get upon leaving their native country.

Human beings are curious about many things that have direct connections with their personal lives. So they want to travel for various reasons such as higher education or employment in a foreign land. This essay will describe what happens with the lives of young generation when they become expatriates.

People leave their native country for various purposes. Some people wish to gain work experience in a foreign land so that the learned experience can be a good reason of progress and development in their native country. Moreover, another motive behind going to a foreign country is for earning money as well. Since the world is witnessing lots of changes in technological development people have generated many desires that can only be fulfilled through large sums of money. 

Ubiquitously, most youths are fascinated by award-winning higher education that can be possible through renowned universities such as Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge etc. in foreign lands.This could be their right decision while talking about rewarding qualifications; however, some career hopefuls strive in a foreign land for their economic prosperity.

PTE (Write Essay)

Law changes human behavior. Do you agree or disagree with this?

Law is a system that enforces people to abstain from any sort of misconduct despite some criminal activities ubiquitously happening in the world. However, a strict law can play a pivotal role to mitigate the crime rates and emasculate the criminal behavior of people.

As well as controlling the criminal activities of people driven by heinous motives of killing, murdering or kidnapping of people, a strict law governs the supreme authority to punish the law breakers. As a result, crime-driven people may change their behavior and wish to live as normal people. Moreover, we have witnessed many situations where people move one step back before committing a crime when they have fear of life-time imprisonment or capital punishment. For an instance, the countries like China, India, Iraq, North Korea, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar have extreme law for committing a heinous crime that results in death penalty and life-time captivity behind the bars.

Although some countries have extremely harsh punishment law, the crime rates are persisting dramatically. An example can be taken from China where many former high level government officials such as president, ministers, and judges have been sentenced to death against their crimes related to corruption and kidnapping. This could be true if people are bound to commit crimes, no strict laws can stop them from making deadly mistakes that ultimately separate them from this world. Therefore, rather than harsh laws, human behavior can be changed through positive thoughts and generating feelings of fraternity and human sentiments.

To sum up, human behaviour exists between good conduct and misconduct, which can be controlled by strict laws to a greater extent; however, rather than laws people’s behaviour can be controlled by self-actualization of being a human.


Thursday, October 4, 2018

PTE (Write Essay)

In the war of ideas, it is people who get killed. Does a common man suffer from a group's ideology? Express your opinion and support the same with reasons and example.

Mostly, an ideology is the common factor of myth, belief, and thought of an individual or groups that plays a catalytic role to bring reformation in social movements and mindset of people. A common man faces a mass of destructions due to existing ideology related to anarchism, absolutism, liberalism, and socialism, which I will explicate with examples in this essay.

A common man suffers from the war of group's ideology. The misconception of group's ideology has handled the controversial part among the people. The group of ideologists is ruthless. For an example, the 2001 attack on twin towers in the USA claimed the killing of a mass of common people and injury of hundreds of people along with infrastructural damages that affected both the society and culture to a larger extent. Moreover, it also rendered the people fear and uncertainty of their sustainability. In addition, the inference of man’s sufferings can be corroborated with the instance of racism pertaining in the USA where the white are considered to be educated and advanced lowering the status of the black as savage, uneducated and obsolete. .

Furthermore, a group's ideology follows the majority of population, political principles and government whereas some ideologies are based on common concerns and interests of people; so such group tends to work for their members and for human welfare. For an instance, the UN and Universal Human Rights Commission were established to enhance the livelihood of people around the world through a range of programs related to health, education and cultural preservation. So, their role of promoting social welfare is worthy of appreciation.

To sum up, the conception or belief is the major concern to avoid ruthless controversy which showers encouragement on human lives. So we have to embark on pacifying the suppression of such people.