Friday, November 30, 2018

PTE (Write Essay)

Nowadays many people go abroad either for higher education or work.’ Do you think this has more advantages or disadvantages for young people?

Support your point of view with reasons and examples from your own experience.

Human life is full of struggles, which does not allow everyone to live in their native country till their old age. Nowadays, many young people want to leave their native country in search of higher education or job in a foreign land. This essay will portray a picture on what advantages and disadvantages will be there in the lives of young generation when they immigrate to another country.

Some people believe that travel broadens the mind so they want to travel to a country for various purposes, which incorporates a pursuit of higher education or employment. This essay will analyze the advantages and disadvantages that young people get upon leaving their native country.

Human beings are curious about many things that have direct connections with their personal lives. So they want to travel for various reasons such as higher education or employment in a foreign land. This essay will describe what happens with the lives of young generation when they become expatriates.

People leave their native country for various purposes. Some people wish to gain work experience in a foreign land so that the learned experience can be a good reason of progress and development in their native country. Moreover, another motive behind going to a foreign country is for earning money as well. Since the world is witnessing lots of changes in technological development people have generated many desires that can only be fulfilled through large sums of money. 

Ubiquitously, most youths are fascinated by award-winning higher education that can be possible through renowned universities such as Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge etc. in foreign lands.This could be their right decision while talking about rewarding qualifications; however, some career hopefuls strive in a foreign land for their economic prosperity.

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