Thursday, October 4, 2018

PTE (Write Essay)

In the war of ideas, it is people who get killed. Does a common man suffer from a group's ideology? Express your opinion and support the same with reasons and example.

Mostly, an ideology is the common factor of myth, belief, and thought of an individual or groups that plays a catalytic role to bring reformation in social movements and mindset of people. A common man faces a mass of destructions due to existing ideology related to anarchism, absolutism, liberalism, and socialism, which I will explicate with examples in this essay.

A common man suffers from the war of group's ideology. The misconception of group's ideology has handled the controversial part among the people. The group of ideologists is ruthless. For an example, the 2001 attack on twin towers in the USA claimed the killing of a mass of common people and injury of hundreds of people along with infrastructural damages that affected both the society and culture to a larger extent. Moreover, it also rendered the people fear and uncertainty of their sustainability. In addition, the inference of man’s sufferings can be corroborated with the instance of racism pertaining in the USA where the white are considered to be educated and advanced lowering the status of the black as savage, uneducated and obsolete. .

Furthermore, a group's ideology follows the majority of population, political principles and government whereas some ideologies are based on common concerns and interests of people; so such group tends to work for their members and for human welfare. For an instance, the UN and Universal Human Rights Commission were established to enhance the livelihood of people around the world through a range of programs related to health, education and cultural preservation. So, their role of promoting social welfare is worthy of appreciation.

To sum up, the conception or belief is the major concern to avoid ruthless controversy which showers encouragement on human lives. So we have to embark on pacifying the suppression of such people.

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