Thursday, October 4, 2018

PTE ( Write Essay)

Law is a system that enforces people to abstain from any sort of misconduct despite some criminal activities ubiquitously happening in the world. However, a strict law can play a pivotal role to mitigate the crime rates and emasculate the criminal behavior of people.

As well as controlling the criminal activities of people driven by heinous motives of killing, murdering or kidnapping of people, a strict law governs the supreme authority to punish the law breakers. As a result, crime-driven people may change their behavior and wish to live as normal people. Moreover, we have witnessed many situations where people move one step back before committing a crime when they have fear of life-time imprisonment or capital punishment. For an instance, the countries like China, India, Iraq, North Korea, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar have extreme law for committing a heinous crime that results in death penalty and life-time captivity behind the bars.

Although some countries have extremely harsh punishment law, the crime rates are persisting dramatically. An example can be taken from China where many former high level government officials such as president, ministers, and judges have been sentenced to death against their crimes related to corruption and kidnapping. This could be true if people are bound to commit crimes, no strict laws can stop them from making deadly mistakes that ultimately separate them from this world. Therefore, rather than harsh laws, human behavior can be changed through positive thoughts and generating feelings of fraternity and human sentiments.

To sum up, human behaviour exists between good conduct and misconduct, which can be controlled by strict laws to a greater extent; however, rather than laws people’s behaviour can be controlled by self-actualization of being a human.


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