Wednesday, April 1, 2015


‘Terrorist activities help reinforce international relations between many countries despite hostility.’ What are your views?

Although many countries have hostility and seemingly tenuous fraternity among them, terrorism has become the most marauding activity that has caused many casualties and a large number of unwitting people have been captivated as hostages by different terrorist organizations. These terrorist repercussions have obliged many hostile countries to be bound and get united to fight against life-taking assaults despite animosity and abhorrence in their relationships.

A number of terrorist organizations in Nigeria, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan have established notoriety as they are likely to kill credulous citizens. In such countries terrorism has flourished and many terrorist organizations have extended their solidarity amid them. Furthermore, ISIS, Al-queda, Bokoharam, IRA which are the most horrifying terrorist groups in the present context have actively engaged in kidnapping people including Human Rights activists, journalists, reporters, photographers, business persons, social workers, teachers, children and women demanding huge amount of money as ransom and chopping their heads off if their demands are not fulfilled. These sorts of anti-humane activities have been condemned by all as many lives of innocent people have been taken away. Needless to say, this issue has been the most talked conundrum worldwide. As a consequence, most countries who have been the victims of these catastrophic consequences are getting united since an individual country cannot afford and retain the expenses of weaponry that is a requisite against terrorist operations.

Most affluent countries such as Spain, UK, US, and France have frequently been holding rendezvous in different locations in order to wipe out terrorism from its grass-root level. Nevertheless,  the US, who was the victim of 9/11 attack on twin towers has endeavoured much and spent larger amount of money against terrorist operations in many least developed countries. A few numbers of less developed countries have succumbed to terrorism due to lack of profuse number of weapons. For them, operations against these terrorist groups are day-dreaming hallucinations regardless of their protest against the terrorism. Thus, they are helped by a group of privileged countries so as to extend alliances and neighbourhood. Consequently, anti-terrorism operations have diminished the distance between many flourished countries although there is wastage of huge amount of money and deterioration of lives of earthly creatures because of negative factors of explosives and exacerbation in natural resources that are requisites for humans to survive.

Furthermore, recent attack in Charlie Hebdo Magazine in France had spread havoc all over the world. After this attack many victims and critics considered it a victory of devils over innocence. This abominable attack gathered the attentions of the world and enabled them to vow for vanquishing terrorism without leaving any stones unturned. Subsequently, more commitments have been made in frequent meetings by more able countries to rise in their power for the safety of ignorant people. As a result, many countries have shown their solidarity, consensus and unanimous supports to slay the throats of terrorism. However, no countries can deny that terrorism has stretched it wings in numerous countries and become the most dominating anti-human union. Apart from this, Nonetheless, lots of people appealed for the release of hostages and pleaded via public media anticipating that the savage hearts melt; but still many people have been kidnapped, numberless schools have been vandalized and every single citizen is living in ephemeral moments.

To recapitulate all, although terrorist attacks and operations have enabled many countries to get united and defend against terrorism, sporadic kidnapping, murders, hostages and the vandalizing of public properties by terrorist organizations have not been mitigated rather it is on the rise. Besides, hostility and acrimony amid affluent countries for their lucrative businesses they are supposed to grow stronger and enhance their anti-terrorism operations more rapidly to prevent the world from deadly attacks of such terrorist groups.

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