Monday, April 6, 2015

General Paper on Education

How far do you agree or disagree that students’ drowsiness and lethargy kill the creativity of the teacher?

        It is undeniably accepted that students’ antipathy towards their learning processes diminishes the creativity of their teachers. However, teachers’ teaching methodologies may enthuse students to be more anxious, responsible and result oriented provided students are obliged to complete their assignments and researches in time. Students’ dissatisfaction over the teaching style of the teacher, arduous syllabuses to comprehend easily, parents’ and teachers’ peer pressure and other factors prevent students from being energetic, diligent and persistent in their studies.

          Since teaching has become a challenging job for both veterans and novice tutors students’ active participation in teaching-learning method is a requisite for embracing attainments in studies and enhancing the level of creativity of the teacher simultaneously. If a teacher, who is a prompter, fails to impart inherent parts of his teaching, there may be a rise on dissatisfaction in students in learning process which ultimately leads teaching-learning process to antipathy, laziness, reluctance and disinterestedness. Consequently, because of these consequences teacher’s enthusiasm and zeal will undoubtedly be diminished. Furthermore, to ensure the teaching strategy that has addressed the needs of the pupils, the tutor should create student-friendly environment and be adapted to integral parts of pedagogy.

      Apart from teacher’s overall performances, tough and lengthy syllabus contents may discourage students to be prompt and keen learners to exercise their brains in a full- fledged way. Some courses need very thorough and rigorous efforts of students which seem to have been unachievable and unattainable goals for some pupils because of lack of persistence and perseverance. In this case, the teacher should help the students with proper guidelines and tips not to get perplexed and worried about attempting all riddles and challenges. Thus, lengthy course on one hand prolong the teaching hours and on the other hand it deteriorates the students’ enthusiasm and endeavours. Nevertheless, students’ rigorous efforts indeed help them cope with difficult tasks furthering their possibility of achieving good results.

             Undoubtedly, the peer pressure to the students from both parents and teachers’ side makes the students perplexed and pessimistic. In a consequent circumstance, rather than to be toilsome students are likely to be worrisome. They maybe are obliged to get succumbed and optimum level of their confidence will be abridged. Thus, it would be better for them to undergo holistic approach of learning rather than through stressful circumstances that ought to be mitigated by the teachers. Only being bookworms and theoretical methods of teaching do not work always rather pragmatic and student-involved teaching skills culminate students’ receptive capabilities and develop rudimentary and dormant areas of interests. In this regard, pressurized minds always look for an easy escape which derails academic progress and exacerbates students’ both physical and mental development.

           Some people have vastly contrasting convictions against killing the creativity of the teachers by passive learners in spite of teachers’ profuse understanding of teaching skills. As a matter of fact, teachers should have to work more diligently than ever to meet the target of syllabus contents provided students’ reluctance increases. Although a teacher may actively galvanize himself to impart syllabus contents despite students’ disinterestedness, students don’t seem to embrace any sorts of improvement to excel and their examinations. As a consequence, this stupidity of the students brings forth an upheaval where the more lethargic the students are, the more thorough a teacher should be. Teacher’s efforts of concealing students’ academic loopholes ultimately make him to be more confident and painstaking because of lots of brain exercise he has done. However, students’ untiring efforts in studies are much more preferable to their lethargic disruption which may cause to indecisive, perennial vigilance to move forward.

            To sum up, reluctance, drowsiness and distraction in studies indeed is baleful to students. In order to attain successful and rewarding career ahead, students are expescted to get enthused in rigorous learning process at school and home. Despite many derailing factors of progressive attempts, students should not overwhelmingly relinquish because of lengthy and toilsome syllabus contents rather be supportive of the teacher. Needless to say, an unfriendly and hostile environment inside the class room amid students and teacher despite many possibilities of improvement is likely to beget other abominable repercussions.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

General Paper on Politics

‘Politics has not interested the younger generation since it has no impact on them’. Discuss.

       It is widely believed that the charm of politics in youths has dwindled as there have been continuous sporadic leaps and instabilities in politics. However, some youths have envisaged the future repercussions and endeavoured to hoist the renown of politics in a promising way. Since political entailments of youths have been a debatable issue more youngsters at present are likely to get involved in politics and ensure their potentials as a perfect blend of both career and altruism.

       Regardless of political tides which are very ambivalent in many perspectives, people are lured by its charm as it gives career enrichment and altruistic thoughts to help people and nation. However, many people believe that politics should be handled by old people because of lots of experiences they have had and chicaneries they use while persuading people. Should we make history our witness, there were many people who actively participated in political movements which favoured some people but most people experienced very acrimonious situations. Furthermore, a large number of people in different countries got imprisoned causing their long imprisonment and deaths after they started their career in politics. Some people’s involvements in politics have been successful; others’ abortive. But those who contributed a lot to politics in their lifespan have thought of politics as a utopia to rejoice and cherish. So what makes a politician successful?

          As an instance, the former president of the world’s most powerful country, USA; Barak Obama, the most influential, powerful and successful President of Russia Vladimir Putin, some young blood in Nepal, such as Gagan Thapa, Gokarna Bista, Chandra Bhandari to just name a few, who have carved out a niche in politics for they have been addressing issues related to youth and employment although there is not much positive transfiguration in the lives of youth. If we relate our present to our past, many young leaders have brought radical changes in the history of their native countries. For example, Martin Luther King, Jr. in the US; who created havoc for filthy practices in politics. During his revolution, many people comprising both the black and white, supported his movements although it was for the sake of inborn rights and privileges of black people which was denied, unheard and discriminated even in the country’s bylaws and constitution. Because of discrimination between Negros and white citizens of America, the white were considered to have been the only citizens who deprived those black of basic facilities, and stranded them from the mainstream of politics and discriminated immensely vis-à-vis the provision of good education and their participation in governmental jobs.

        There are other reasons why youths are reluctant to get involved in politics although they can establish rewarding career in politics. Youth’s involvement in politics has undoubtedly most discussed issue in different occasions. Nevertheless, most parents discourage their children to abstain from political involvements rather they encourage their children to study the subject that can bring more financial relief and prosperity in their families. Consequently, many youths show onerous efforts in attaining good grades and results that lead them to kick off a business or become a bread winner of most rewarding and demanded job i.e. medicine, engineering, aviation and so on. As a result, they nurture only one way of living by accumulating wealth and assuaging their own lifestyles. Their work and money-oriented service has nothing to do with overall welfare of people, alleviating risk of deaths of many people because of lack of basic facilities, and contributions to the nation at large.

         Since future of politics is undeniably tidal and has rising and falling movements youths are likely to hook up with recent gadgets. They anticipate their secure future in being a technophile and ameliorating their skills and knowledge which eventually enables them to be a more successful and career orientated person. This will, they think, always harness phenomenological changes in technology including thorough scientific researches, explorations of spaces, experiment of robotic world; pros and cons and other requisite efforts in making their minds more creative and exhaustive. They’d better spend their time in experimenting things that can bring radical changes in human lives than exercising manipulation and giving bogus promises to people as politicians. Thus, youths have been sagacious in this era to distinguish between the good and bad. Nevertheless, some youths have built a bridge to their careers by serving needy people and enhancing their livelihood.

      In brief, political involvement begets many promises to people. Since many adults have sacrificed their lifetime in politics despite long imprisonment and other physical retributions, they are still fond of the value and charm of politics. Regardless of limpid improvements and transformation in politics because of their hackneyed thoughts and eccentric beliefs in advancing development of a nation, old politicians need both moral and bodily support of youth to accelerate the economic delays and the youth ought to galvanize them with their geniuses and creativity.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


‘Terrorist activities help reinforce international relations between many countries despite hostility.’ What are your views?

Although many countries have hostility and seemingly tenuous fraternity among them, terrorism has become the most marauding activity that has caused many casualties and a large number of unwitting people have been captivated as hostages by different terrorist organizations. These terrorist repercussions have obliged many hostile countries to be bound and get united to fight against life-taking assaults despite animosity and abhorrence in their relationships.

A number of terrorist organizations in Nigeria, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan have established notoriety as they are likely to kill credulous citizens. In such countries terrorism has flourished and many terrorist organizations have extended their solidarity amid them. Furthermore, ISIS, Al-queda, Bokoharam, IRA which are the most horrifying terrorist groups in the present context have actively engaged in kidnapping people including Human Rights activists, journalists, reporters, photographers, business persons, social workers, teachers, children and women demanding huge amount of money as ransom and chopping their heads off if their demands are not fulfilled. These sorts of anti-humane activities have been condemned by all as many lives of innocent people have been taken away. Needless to say, this issue has been the most talked conundrum worldwide. As a consequence, most countries who have been the victims of these catastrophic consequences are getting united since an individual country cannot afford and retain the expenses of weaponry that is a requisite against terrorist operations.

Most affluent countries such as Spain, UK, US, and France have frequently been holding rendezvous in different locations in order to wipe out terrorism from its grass-root level. Nevertheless,  the US, who was the victim of 9/11 attack on twin towers has endeavoured much and spent larger amount of money against terrorist operations in many least developed countries. A few numbers of less developed countries have succumbed to terrorism due to lack of profuse number of weapons. For them, operations against these terrorist groups are day-dreaming hallucinations regardless of their protest against the terrorism. Thus, they are helped by a group of privileged countries so as to extend alliances and neighbourhood. Consequently, anti-terrorism operations have diminished the distance between many flourished countries although there is wastage of huge amount of money and deterioration of lives of earthly creatures because of negative factors of explosives and exacerbation in natural resources that are requisites for humans to survive.

Furthermore, recent attack in Charlie Hebdo Magazine in France had spread havoc all over the world. After this attack many victims and critics considered it a victory of devils over innocence. This abominable attack gathered the attentions of the world and enabled them to vow for vanquishing terrorism without leaving any stones unturned. Subsequently, more commitments have been made in frequent meetings by more able countries to rise in their power for the safety of ignorant people. As a result, many countries have shown their solidarity, consensus and unanimous supports to slay the throats of terrorism. However, no countries can deny that terrorism has stretched it wings in numerous countries and become the most dominating anti-human union. Apart from this, Nonetheless, lots of people appealed for the release of hostages and pleaded via public media anticipating that the savage hearts melt; but still many people have been kidnapped, numberless schools have been vandalized and every single citizen is living in ephemeral moments.

To recapitulate all, although terrorist attacks and operations have enabled many countries to get united and defend against terrorism, sporadic kidnapping, murders, hostages and the vandalizing of public properties by terrorist organizations have not been mitigated rather it is on the rise. Besides, hostility and acrimony amid affluent countries for their lucrative businesses they are supposed to grow stronger and enhance their anti-terrorism operations more rapidly to prevent the world from deadly attacks of such terrorist groups.